
Video: Climate Deniers Love the 70s

BryanS12/17/2009 9:18:03 pm PST

re: #154 Jaerik

Sure, that’s valid. I won’t presume to know where the majority of Americans stand on social issues these days, but I’ll concede the point for the sake of argument.

cwnorma said that he was “socially liberal and fiscally conservative” though, like myself.

I agree with you that “Right” these days generally puts more weight on social conservatism than fiscal. Hence my curiosity why someone with such an ideological split would choose to call themselves “center-right” rather than “center-left” or something else.

Personally, I subscribe to the notion that fiscal issues and social issues should be viewed as orthogonal. So I’m not really arguing one way or the other. I’m just fascinated by the “center-right” label choice. No offense intended.

Didn’t intend to have a tone of being offended, so no offense taken on this end.

Orthogonal :) I’m thinking American politics needs an orthogonal multiplexing of sorts. We have no parties that are socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Too bad.