
Jonathan Kay: The Tea Party Movement Is Full of Conspiracy Theories

lazardo2/10/2010 8:09:07 pm PST

re: #182 Surabaya Stew

Love it! Good for you to show the elite f*ckers (the Philippines is just like Indonesia in this regard) that they can’t always have their selfish ways. Sorry about the rich kid not getting thrown out though. My Grandfather was thrown out of Temple University after punching a teacher who insulted his lack of religious belief, so I while I can’t applaud such actions, I can certainly sympathize with them!

Not really. I effectively ruined any chance of me getting into a good college. After getting a GED and some community college in the States I ended up coming back here where I’m expected to get a degree that’s hardly worth the paper it’s printed on.

I shouldn’t have stood up, and this is what I get.