
Comedy Central Backs Down After Islamic Group's Threats Over 'South Park'

wrenchwench4/22/2010 3:27:52 pm PDT

Their website bears some resemblance to a wingnut blog:

The Obama administration is currently floating around the idea of implementing a value added tax (VAT). This is a system of taxation in which a certain amount of tax is applied to a product at each stage it goes through in which its value increases. In the situation of a car being produced you would have a tax on all of the raw material, then on all of the parts as they are assembled, then on the car itself. None of this shows up on one’s receipt, but one will find it much harder to purchase anything and everything under this system.

In a nation that is moving ever closer to socialism, this would be essentially a tipping point that would make it impossible to counteract without a physical revolution. Just look at the UK where the people who are considered right wing extremists all essentially agree that socialized medicine is a necessity. If this passes and the Obama agenda succeeds then the American right wing will likely be forced into submission on many issues of socialism.

Socialism, by its nature, creates a culture of dependency which is nearly impossible to defeat unless some cataclysmic event occurs. There is a difference between communism and a welfare state in that the people can be forced to work in a communist system. In a welfare state you slowly turn large portions of formerly productive people into parasites who live off of the government and the wealthy.

In addition to destroying America’s productive industrial attitude, this tax will likely destroy the economy as well.


Furthermore, taxes should not be used to prop up strange projects and other things. They should only be used to help those who are in need and who do not have the capability of helping themselves. Also, it should be used for the military, because this fulfills a basic need of the society that is hard to fulfill through other means.

In other matters the government should be forced to obtain money through moral means such as running its own businesses which have to compete and are not propped up by taxes.

Taxing someone is like eating from a blueberry patch. Nobody minds it if you eat a handful of the blueberries, but if you eat 1/3 or 1/2 then that is stealing.

Furthermore, governments should certainly not engage in gambling and taking on interest-based debt. This forces them to oppress their people when they are in danger of going bankrupt. A business in the same situation of the American government would not be allowed to steal from the people in order to prop it up for a few more years while it goes bankrupt. It is no less of an injustice when a socialist regime does this to its people to prop up its culture of dependency.

The above is based on the Islamic economic system which relies on free trade principals, low taxes, and a ban on gambling and usury. Anything which is good is from Allah, and anything which is falsehood is from myself and Shaytaan.

Except for the part about government should run businesses, of course.