
Chris Matthews: Glenn Beck, the John Birch Society, and Fox News

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)2/07/2011 7:58:49 pm PST

I am just trying to think of a viable Republican presidential candidate.
Romney: smart, moderate image but you just know his opponents will hammer him for havign a similiar health care plan to that of the Obama White House. P
Daniels: Little name recongization, I imagine the social conservatives will do anything they can to prevent him from being nominated, the social issue truce he proposed won’t be popular among people like Jim DeMint who is a kingmaker in an early and key Republican primary state.
Huckabee: He’s charimsatic enough, socially conservative, could be nominated but even he may be attacked from the left.
Pawlentley: On paper, he’s good, two term governor of a democratic leaning state, strongly conservative on all the right issues but he’s apparently a bore.
Palin: This will be the first term she’s really had to run for a high office, yes she was nominated as VP but she didn’t have to go through actually being criticized by fellow Republicans and the way she responds to criticism tells me it won’t end well.
Gingrich: Hard to sell yourselves as anti Washington by running a consumate insider plus a guy who has zero character.
Trying to think of other possible candidates.