
Tuesday Evening Open

goddamnedfrank5/17/2011 11:46:24 pm PDT

re: #188 sagehen


“Any ad which quotes what I said on Sunday is a falsehood.”

Pass the popcorn, please.

Sunday doesn’t exist, capish? The only way we can have an honest conversation is by pretending it never happened. Listen, I really want this and would rather sell my soul and appear monumentally stupid than continue enraging our moronic base.

Ryan has really handed the GOP a poison pill, and they swallowed it with gusto. Newt’s not stupid, he can see how unpopular Ryan’s budget is, how much damage it’s causing them. The Senate Republicans stripped the Medicare changes from the bill out of abject fear that the Democrats might bring it up for a “rub their noses in their own shit” vote. Republicans are going home to their districts and facing virtual torch and pitchfork opposition to the plan. But Newt will walk back anything, grovel and lie to further his dream of becoming king of the dipshits rather than face the wrath of the freepers and never get nominated.

re: #189 engineer dog

why do they need 2 billion dollars in tax breaks?

Shut up, that’s why!