
Obama Set to Announce Afghanistan Drawdown

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks6/21/2011 12:05:08 am PDT

re: #192 boxhead

A college education is way too expensive.

And far too overrated. I say that not in an anti-intellectual sense, but in the sense that (as you say) the price for it is way too high, while the dividends reaped are way too low to justify the cost.

And we have come to over-value the careers that can be had by an over-priced college education, and horribly undervalue the careers that can be found in the trades, or skilled labor. Which I think contributes to a lot of problems, college tuition being only one of them.

Mike Rowe has a pretty decent TED Talk on the undervaluing of the trades, if you’re interested and have twenty minutes to burn.