
Overnight Video: Parigot

kirkspencer10/08/2011 9:55:43 am PDT

re: #181 ggt

If only citizens could contribute to campaigns, not corporations or PAC’s it would make a big difference AND make politicians spend their own money. Having vested interest is, IMHO, a good thing.

Perhaps it would less the election bullshit as well, campaigns might cost less if they didn’t have to woo corporate interests.

re: #193 sattv4u2

Voter apathy

iirc, less than 50% of eligible voters are registered and only around 50% of those vote!

Also ,,, there’s the whole “THROW ALL OF THEM OUT (except my guy)” attitude


If Teddy Kennedy had run in Georgia he’d never have won. Likewise, Strom Thurmond in Massachusetts would be a non-starter. “My Guy” won because he or she is generally in sync with the public that elected him/her.

Most of the “throw the bums out” talk hovers over the people who were elected by groups NOT like the locals.

Democracy, even representative democracy, means putting up with the voices of those idiots over there, too. /