
Video: Landscapes, Volume Two

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/12/2011 4:08:20 am PDT

A friend of mine had her jaw broken by her (now ex) husband after she had him arrested for battery and he was let out on his own recognizance. Being arrested made him really mad, so he did what he always did, and took it out on her.

This is not something that’s unknown. Cops know about this. That’s why even good cops often get into trouble for threatening abusers to kick their ass if they touch their partners again. It’s also why a lot of women don’t want to press charges in the first place; they know it’ll make the abusers angry, and that the system won’t do enough to stop them.

Topeka just upped the ante on that. If a woman is getting beaten, deciding to call the cops now that they know there’s not even a chance of the guy staying in jail would be a foolish mistake. Better to just take it, and hope he doesn’t go too far this time. Or stick a knife in his eye.

What I love is the naive dunderheads who ask “Why don’t they just leave him?”