
Overnight Video: The Pleasure Of

danarchy8/28/2012 9:03:44 am PDT

re: #187 RayFerd

Remind them when they say “the top 10% pay 70% of the taxes in this country” remind them that it is estimated that the top 10% also own 85 - 89% of the wealth in this country. Ask them why they aren’t paying their fair share. That 15 - 19% of taxes on that wealth comes from somewhere other than the top 10%’s wealth. Wonder where it comes from? Must be from those freeloaders htat get hit with taxes the 10% have been able to avoid because they can buy law makers to create loopholes that they can reach but the lowlifes have to buck up to cover. Like paying for Rmoney’s horse to the tune of $77,000 in tax breaks a year.

While I agree with the sentiment, we don’t tax based on wealth, but on income. Wealth gets taxed when you check out of this mortal coil(ostensibly, unless you have very good tax attorneys).