
The NRA Publishes Its Enemies List

Birth Control Works1/28/2013 7:10:40 pm PST

re: #185 Renaissance_Man

Bear in mind that the internet is used to confirm what we already believe, not to actually explore topics. The internet is why these conspiracy theories flourish in the first place.

He most likely believes this because he likes the person who showed the video and wants to agree. A touch of common sense, which would tell him otherwise, is not going to be found on the internet.

Once he actually takes the time to think, I have no doubts about what conclusions he’ll draw.

He is one of those people who doesn’t “think on his feet” as quickly as other people do or as quickly as his mother. I’ve had to learn this when he was young.

It was very frustrating. Still can’t use a lot of sarcasm around him.

He’s one of those extremely bright children that will never be in sales.