
NPR Interviews Keith Jarrett: 'I Want the Imperfections to Remain'

kirkspencer5/28/2013 6:00:19 am PDT

BofA is a major contributor to why I lost my house. Oh, not the only reason - I haven’t worked for five years and the income was tight. But I was supposed to get this workout, only someone in the chain had my wife’s name wrong. And despite sending notarized copies of the original loan agreement (not with BoA) and a host of other things, we could never get final workout documents with the correct last name - and so we couldn’t get the workout payments which would have let us stay a bit longer and so our house was foreclosed upon.

I will never willingly use BofA for any of my banking services. It is pretty much the only place I know that were it to offer me employment I’d say no.