
Working Hard, or Hardly Working? Congress Gives Themselves 239 Vacation Days in 2013

Scottish Dragon9/02/2013 4:19:46 pm PDT

re: #159 Lidane


In one particularly controversial 1965 incident, civil rights worker Viola Liuzzo was murdered by Ku Klux Klansmen who gave chase and fired shots into her car after noticing that her passenger was a young black man; one of the Klansmen was acknowledged FBI informant Gary Thomas Rowe.[49][50] Rumors were spread that Liuzzo was a member of the Communist Party and abandoned her children to have sexual relationships with African Americans involved in the civil rights movement.[51][52] FBI records show that J. Edgar Hoover personally communicated these insinuations to President Johnson.[53][54]

Her oldest son sued the FBI in the late 70’s, and the case was thrown out. He was hit for nearly 90,000 dollars of legal fees for the government until the ACLU got them reduced to 3,000. His sister says he went into the anti government militia movement and went underground after 9/11. Kinda hard to blame him considering what was done to his family.

Actions have consequences…and the government (and American people) never seem to learn this. If you don’t want people going off the deep end and joining militias…don’t do things like this.