
Reports: Oklahoma Horribly Botches Execution

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)4/29/2014 7:25:41 pm PDT

re: #189 Lidane

I would think so. It’s much easier to ban the death penalty when the state is chopping heads off. If you convince people that it’s the equivalent of putting a dog to sleep, banning executions is going to be a much tougher sell.

Yeah I think that’s why beheading fell out of fashion too. Thing of course what blood thirsty hacks like Erickson won’t ever want to admit is nearly every form of modern public execution starts off “humanely.” The guillotine was considered humane and believe it or not so was the electric chair and gas chamber. Honestly, just do away with the death penalty. Executing the perp doesn’t bring back the victims. It’s not justice.