
And Now, Something Amazing: Wintergatan - Marble Machine

CuriousLurker3/06/2016 8:18:01 am PST

re: #160 Dark_Falcon

I find that problematic. Swastikas should not be used for political advertising, even to tear down someone using populism to bad ends. For all his problems, Donald Trump doesn’t support genocide and he hasn’t proposed attacking nations other than those where our sworn terrorist enemies hold territory.

Donald Trump should not be president and I will not vote for him, but he’s not Hitler.

He sure didn’t denounce the idea of the ethnic cleansing of Muslims, did he? Imagine if someone had said the same about any other religious group or other type of minority.

At a Trump campaign rally in Rochester, New Hampshire a man in a “Trump” shirt took the microphone and said, “We have a problem in this country. It’s called Muslims.”

“We know our current President is one,” he added. “You know he’s not even an American.”

“We need this question,” Trump replied, smiling.

Then things turned even darker, as the man discussed his beliefs that Muslims were in training camps plotting to kill.

“That’s my question. When can we get rid of ‘em?” the man said.

Trump was unfazed at the casual suggestion of cultural genocide. “We are going to be looking at a lot of different things. A lot of people saying that,” Trump said. […]

Trump Takes a Question