
Tigran Hamasyan: "The Dream Voyager"

Jay C8/29/2020 9:41:35 am PDT

re: #164 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

I think that’s exactly right. There is a very large body of generally conservative people who would otherwise vote Republican but who are disgusted with Trump. At the same time, they retain enough residual indoctrination to be wary of Biden and Harris. This seems to be the crowd Joe is aiming for.

Good. It would be only karmic retribution if Trump were to lose this election the same way he won the last one: i.e. by a sliver of voters in key states turning away and giving the EVs to his opponent, Though It’s more likely - one hopes - that the difference (in a few key states) won’t be between a win and a loss, but a “blue” win and a “blue wave” blowout: leaving the results utterly beyond a doubt.

At the same time, they retain enough residual indoctrination to be wary of Biden and Harris

This, I think, might be the key to generating that “Blue Tsunami” The hardcore Trump base is hopeless, but (at least IMferventO) there is a swing vote “out there” that will be susceptible to the campaign theme that the (D) party and platform are not “radical leftist”, but completely within the mainstream of American politics - and that it is the extremism (howevermuch wrapped in the flag) of Trump and the Republicans - especially in the Senate - that have blocked and stymied the popular legislation the Democratic House has enacted in the 116th Congress. And stress the “popular”.