
Seth Meyers: Trump Glitches, Gets Ronny Jackson's Name Wrong While Bragging About Cognitive Test

Dangerman6/18/2024 9:11:55 am PDT

re: #195 Mattand

It’s an advantage to Trump if the goal is to sound like a complete fucking idiot, which based on my meager research is literally what not to do in a Presidential debate.

This occurred to me the other day, though; Trump is being judged on George W. Bush rules. All Trump has to do is show up and not shit himself live on TV and he’ll be crowned the winner. Biden so much as hesitates for a split second and we get 16 weeks of Jon Stewart using his position of power to get people to stay and not vote for Biden, because… who the fuck knows?

tfg will be judged by what he says .
not by what everyone afterwards says he really meant.