
Uncle Jimbo Jumps the Conclusion

DrCruel3/05/2009 6:35:38 pm PST

The reason gay activists don’t speak out against Islam is the same reason Black and feminists activists don’t - it’s because these “activists” are Marxists, and only pretend to care about an ethnic or gender-identified group so as to have a forum to support the Marxist gameplan.

At the moment, Marxists are having a great deal of trouble recruiting terrorists and killers on campus. I’ve seen the ISO try this in recent years, but they simply cant manage to put together the really violent groups that were so easy to organise back in the late 1960s. Right now, their best prospects for cannon fodder in their ongoing war against the West comes from the Muslim communisty, in particular amongst fundamentalists. That means that the Marxists will do nothing to antagonize these people, regardless of ideology, and that goes for their front organizations as well.

That was the whole point of bringing this issue up - not to attack free speech rights, but to illustrate the rank hypocrisy and cynical, entirely unjustified hostility the Left directs against the people of this country, especially amongst groups the Left considers to be those most capable of resisting their influence - Christians, Republicans, enlisted soldiers, etc. San Francisco’s double standard regarding religion is only the latest example of that.

As an aside, I don’t expect the “Muslim Bus” thread was meant especially to defend Christianity against Islam either. Not that anyone who frequents this site would make such a mistake. Just in case that come up later.