
US Warns Hundreds of People Named in Wikileaks Cables

What, me worry?1/07/2011 9:31:44 am PST

re: #188 Sergey Romanov

I don’t think there were visible claims of a “genocide” in Jenin, the term is “Jenin massacre”.

What I find curious though is that the Holocaust did not seem to play any major political role in the run-up to the creation of Israel (the problem of refugees obviously played a practical role). It’s not like the nations gathered and for moral reasons decided to award the Jews with the state because of the genocide, thereby coming up with the partition plan. There’s no evidence they were so “sentimental”. See [PDF]

The Jenin “genocide” or “massacre” (same difference) as you know was invented, but you better believe there are people to this day who still believe it.

The creation of Israel in 1947 was an extension of Zionism from Herzl and Co. which started at the turn of the century. In fact, Herzl was confident that it wouldn’t be an issue with the Arab population in Palestine at the time because there was no Arab nationalism, no Arafat, no PLO. He assumed the Arabs would have no problem sharing the land. Didn’t work out that way unfortunately.