
Why Does the Right Hate Planned Parenthood?

Simply Sarah4/15/2011 9:25:23 pm PDT

re: #190 Lidane

Ugh. Tell me about it. I’ve never really felt the pull to be a mom. Besides, my cousins have had enough kids that both my family lines will carry on even if I don’t have kids of my own.

I’m 38. I’ll be 39 when I graduate with my master’s degree and then I’ll be back at work. I’ve chosen not to become a mother. Before grad school, it was because I was not mature enough or in any kind of financial position to bring a child into the world. After grad school, it will be because I will be pushing 40 and re-entering the working world after taking time off to get both my BBA and MBA. I want to get my career back on track. I know this, and I’ve planned accordingly. Kids aren’t in my current plans. If I meet a guy down the line that I could see having kids with, who knows? But for now, I’m perfectly fine with not having children.

Currently, I’m single and have no short term plans for children. I’m young, though, so I’m totally open to changing that. I just like being able to decide if I want to be a mom or not. I’m still young. I’m also not sure I’m ready for kids (Well, being single is part of that too, obviously).