
Clint Eastwood's Superbowl Commercial: It's Halftime in America

Ziggy_TARDIS2/05/2012 8:06:15 pm PST

re: #192 ProLifeLiberal

CuriousLurker explained it:

Disclaimer: This is only my opinion based on my imperfect knowledge. To get a more Islamically sound, definitive answer, you should seek out an trusted imam in your area who can counsel you personally.


Dating isn’t necessarily forbidden, per se. What’s forbidden is being alone with a woman (like in a room, just the two of you, with the door shut) or having sexual contact with her.

That said, there’s what’s practical and what’s practicable for American Muslims. We don’t usually have the extended family or community ties that exist in other places where Islam is practiced.

I don’t see why you shouldn’t be able to go out in public with her, either just the two of you or in a group. Nothing wrong or un-Islamic about that, IMO, as long as you behave yourselves.

But—and this is a big BUT—if you’re going to do that it should be with the purpose of getting to know her as a potential wife, not just to date for the sake of dating. Neither one of you should see anyone else while you’re seeing each other as hearts are involved and feelings could get hurt on both sides—i.e. it’s something you need to approach with seriousness & respect (for her and yourself).

If you’re not emotionally or financially ready for that level of seriousness, then you need to step back until you are.

Also, I killed the thread. Do I get a medal?