
Overnight Podcast: The Bob & Chez Show: Thuggery Stuff

Nyet3/17/2016 8:51:39 am PDT

Yesterday I posted a link to Greta Christina’s article on “ableist slurs”, and here is another The Orbit writer trying to imply that words like “stupid” are an oppressive bigoted language:

She is being trolled in the comments and does not seem to understand it:

August 26, 2015 at 10:13 am Reply
“We as a society have proven that we are incredibly poor judges…”

Don’t you think that this type of language is classist? That is, if “crazy” and “dumb” perpetuate harmful and inaccurate attitudes about people with disabilities, don’t you think that your usage of “poor” perpetuates harmful and inaccurate attitudes about people who struggle to make ends meet?
If so, could you maybe stop using the word “poor” in this way?
Ania Onion Cebulla
August 26, 2015 at 11:31 am Reply
You know, I hadn’t considered that. I will make the edits in the post and thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Lawrence Castairs
March 16, 2016 at 3:02 pm Reply
From your author bio:

“Ania is a disabled, queer, wibbly-wobbly gendery-wendery, social justice activist who is pro-choice, pro-sex work, and manages to say all that in one breath.”
As a person with a speech impediment the fact that you seem to value being able to say a long, complex sentence in one breath as something of worth sounds pretty ableist to me. You’re rather clearly implying that not being able to say that sentence in one breath is a negative attribute to have.

Ania Onion Bula
March 16, 2016 at 9:33 pm Reply
I can see how it can give off that impression, and I will change it.

I wasn’t so much valuing that ability so much as making an observation on my ADHD and tendency to start speaking very quickly when I get excited. I’m also asthmatic so saying it in one breath was again, about speed. However, I can see how it would cause unintentional damage, and so I will go back and edit. Mea Culpa.

I chalk it up to the 10% of PC that is stupid and crazy (as opposed to 90% that is good).