
Seth Meyers: A Government Shutdown Is Imminent, and It's Entirely the Responsibility of Trump and the GOP

ObserverArt1/18/2018 7:55:50 am PST

re: #190 HappyWarrior

BBD brought up that Full Frontal talked with some blur collar voters who aren’t just white guys. I haven’t seen the clip yet but I appreciate it given that I think those voters are even ignored by many Democrats and left leaning politicians like Sanders and Biden. There’s a reason why PoC working class voters embrace the Democratic Party as much as white working class especially men disdain it. And I’ve never gotten a concrete answer from those like Sanders or Biden as to why. I like Biden a lot but he seems naive about prejudice in the WWC community. Sanders is hopeless on that.

I like Joe too, but he is past time.

As a 63 year old, I think I have the right to say this.

Old White Dudes. Old Thinking.

Time for Younger People…color, orientation, gender not important. Spirit. Heart. Brains. Those are more important than ever.