
Never Too Soon for a Halestorm: "Wicked Ways" [Official Video]

Dangerman7/23/2022 7:55:11 am PDT
“A bill to codify federal protections for same-sex marriage has passed the House, but Senate Republicans are agonizing over whether they should block it or allow it to pass,” NBC News reports.

“With Democrats seeking to portray Republicans as belonging to a retrograde and primitive party that wants to strip away modern rights, their decision could play a role in the midterm elections this fall.”

“Some GOP strategists want the party to move past the issue by codifying protections, but that risks upsetting the cultural conservatives, which make up a significant portion of the party’s base. A Gallup poll released last month found that most Americans — 71 percent — favor legal same-sex marriage.”

not about what the people want

just what’s best for them electorally
and they cant even agree on that

no good choices if you’re just a nasty, evil party dead set against doing the right thing.
sucks to be them