
Overnight Hope-a-Dope

chouch1/30/2009 12:14:36 am PST

re: #183 MrPaulRevere

Well, when you dismantle enforcement mechanisms its very easy to jump up and down and say ‘look, no voter fraud here’. It’s like removing all the stop signs and saying ‘no one is running stop signs.’

Hey, if they did it then throw the book at them!

I also voted for Al Franken! That wasn’t meant to incite, but remind you that Coleman did say he would step down and concede if he was in Franken’s shoes.. never mind the close election triggered an automatic recount in this state.

Anyhow, it is on that note, that I leave you all. Have fun kids. If Franken ends up losing I will appear here in chains so you can throw rotten squash at me, ok?