
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

Guanxi8812/23/2009 1:08:33 pm PST

re: #189 Obdicut

I don’t think this rehabilitates evil one whit.

And if it really is about the memories the face evokes, why aren’t you angry any time Hitler’s face is shown?

Do you get really angry at this Monty Python sketch?


I disagree on the rehabilitation of Mao - it is ongoing. Few know - and fewer care - what he did to China. Mao’s image as done by Warhol is now more or less the Westernized version of the man - the underlying intent and purpose of the Warhol print is lost on its audience.

Hitler’s face evokes anger, naturally. It doesn’t appear on ornaments and t-shirts and handbags, though.

The Python sketch is a classic - they can do no wrong.