
LGF Diavlog at New York Times

morrisab1/05/2010 5:52:24 pm PST

re: #92 Killgore Trout

BDS is alive and well…

Glenn Beck-01-05-10-B

[Video]At 2:45 Beck labels Bush as a progressive agent of the Cloward Piven conspiracy to destroy the country.

It’s all over with, folks. The Republicans can’t recover like this. They are rotting from the inside. Game over.

This is interesting to read in light of David Brooks’ column in the NYT today (the Tea Party Teens op-ed). It’s not just his column, which was just… weird, but the comments on the column - a lot of “righteous” populist anger. Yet Brooks doesn’t mention Glenn Beck - and in my mind, the Tea Party movement and Beck are virtually inseparable.

I usually feel optimistic, overall - critical thinking skills exist, my teens and their peers are pretty awesome kids, and reason will triumph, that sort of thing - but the comments on that column left me shaken. And, even more so, what if Beck isn’t imploding? What if this is the future - as imagined by David Brooks?

Sorry. I’m new here and don’t mean to be a downer. But my mom has stopped mentioning Glenn Beck to me because I just laugh at her incredulously: “Mom, that’s a LIE. You wouldn’t put up with one of us kids lying to you over and over. Why do you put up with it from him?” (This was over the nonsense.) She hasn’t mentioned him to me since, but he’s still at the top of her Yahoo page. And I could see her writing exactly the same kinds of things I read in those comments to Brooks’ column.

Boy, that apology just didn’t work at all. Double sorry for being a downer.