
Video: The Creationist in Charge of Education in Texas

SanFranciscoZionist3/12/2010 12:15:40 pm PST

re: #189

Two weeks before my mother died of cancer, she was in such pain and when I called her doctor - he told me to get some OTC extra-strength Tylenol.

I think he was particularly idiotic, but they are really really careful with that stuff.

That’s horrifying.

On the flip side, my grandmother was an expert at coaxing Vicodin out of the Kaiser docs. They were complete suckers for her act, and always sent her home with another prescription for 100. It was kind of hilarious, in a terrible sort of way.

My grandmother did NOT like pain. Between the Vikes and a lot of white wine she managed to keep herself comfortable during the last months of her life.