
Video: Renewable Energy Solution of the Month - Wind, Part 2

garhighway5/14/2010 5:53:34 am PDT

re: #191 sattv4u2

I don’t know why “they” don’t just tout places like Seabrook in New Hampshire (operating since 1990) and Pilgrim in Plymouth Mass (since 1972) ((both of which I have lived in close proximity too)) as well as other nuclear plants that work and work well!

“They” (and I’m not sure who you are quoting there, but I’ll go with it) do, but overcoming local, NIMBY-based and environmentally-based resistance has been hard. As you must know.

My hope (and that’s all it is) is that as people in the environmental movement fully process the adverse consequences of AGW, they will become more flexible about nuclear.

Common sense has been in short supply in discussion about power plant and power line siting. The forces of NIMBY have been strong. I don’t foresee local resistance getting that so much weaker that some sort of federal pre-emption construct won’t be required. Do you?