
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk2/22/2011 7:37:54 am PST

re: #195 Jadespring

Chavez is probably a bit more insulated from possible uprisings than Castro, but Cuba is ripe for its own protests and uprisings because of the poor socioeconomic conditions. Raul may have issued some “reforms” but the situation is still quite poor there.

Where Castro is wrong is that the Libyans themselves may be calling for outside assistance - when you have Libyan diplomats all over the world breaking with Khadafi, including the UN mission, and foreign missions the world over, then the cracks in the regime are becoming clearer by the day.

I just don’t see NATO getting involved in what is an internal state matter, and the UN isn’t exactly in a position to act either - for the same reason. The UN may issue resolutions or place embargoes on military transactions, but that’s not likely to stop the carnage there.

At this point, the only thing that would stop the carnage is for Khadafi to exit stage left, and he’s not going to do that without racking up a hefty body count.