
Sunday Afternoon Open

Simply Sarah3/06/2011 7:36:48 pm PST

re: #190 CuriousLurker

Job security is definitely a good thing! My boss is a network security specialist who spends most of her time running around putting out fires in large networks. I don’t even bother asking her what she’s doing anymore because when she answers I only understand like every 10th word. The things I have manage to pick up from her and our other network engineers have been invaluable though. Not to mention that it’s also fodder for paranoid nightmares where the internet is concerned… O_o

You mean where you learn how a lot of internet security has holes you could drive a truck through (The internet isn’t the truck)? And how relatively easily things can fall apart and how it’s amazing everything actually works?

Or are they just regaling you with stories of the stuff they found people looking at from work? ;)