
Israel Authorizes Call-Up of 75,000 Reservists for Possible Gaza Incursion

SanFranciscoZionist11/17/2012 11:14:38 am PST

re: #184 indiejesus2

Wow. And I thought this was progressive leaning website where people would be advocating for peace and prayers for the victims on both sides. Instead it’s continuing of the blame game with a slight glimpse into history. We can dispute figures and starting points all we want, but this road will not lead to solidarity or peace. Militants on both sides are at fault with the US and Middle East having plenty of blood on their hands as well, and using violence only begets more violence. I understand that a country and its people have the right to defend themselves, and it seems their could be a less sloppy way of doing with fewer casualties in an already war-stricken country. The events will be discussed in history classes for decades, so shouldn’t we have a discussion of how we can abandon violence and terrorism while fighting for tolerance and compromise. As liberated Libyans did to militants in their country, citizens must tell terrorists that violence gets us nowhere, and we must go further to tell our governments and leaders that this gets us nowhere.

I think what surprises me most is the left showed plenty antipathy with the increase of drone strikes by the Obama administration that killed innocent bystanders. Now a situation with a lot of grey area mixed with history that spans thousands of years makes people shrug and ‘say that’s what you get.’ Hard to see what you guys really stand for.

I stand for the right of Israel to exist within safe and internationally recognized borders, and for as few noncombatants to get killed as humanly possible.

Also, truth, justice and the American Way.

I hope that clears up any confusion.