
Stephen Colbert Dons the Sweater Vest and Interviews Rick Santorum

ObserverArt11/20/2013 2:06:24 pm PST

Ughh. Just got back from a clients repair shop where the dudes working there had Rush on. All I heard was Obama this and Obama that about healthcare. I asked the one guy if he ever had to buy individual insurance and he said he did once. I then asked if he had noticed that it always went up and many times you got less coverage. He said, yeah, but not like this!

That is all I needed to hear. I figured no reason to go further, I was up against Rush and all those Rush facts. Days and months and years of Rush facts. You can’t fight that…and that it sad.

Sad. There is no way it can be good to hear that rot all day long. And I do believe it does go on all day long there, as every time I’ve been in the repair shop, they have it on.

I think I need to shower, but I did before I went out there. I don’t think I could get this off me if I tried anyway.