
Enjoy the Coca-Cola Ad That Drove the Right Wing Crazy

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))2/04/2014 1:07:26 am PST

People who have no understanding of what patriotism means (certainly not whining bout nullification and secession whenever Congress passes a law they disagree with) are the ones who cling to symbols of patriotism to express their shallow, subjective concept of it: flag lapel pins, anthems, guns, guys with beards like Biblical patriarchs or Confederate cavalry officers, etc.

And they get upset at anything that does not fit the mold.

And they have come to pick fights with some odd opponents: Girl Scouts, single moms (especially ones trying to get an education), minorities, gays, immigrants, minimum-wage and union employees, athiests, etc.

Pretty much anyone who is not a self-employed bearded white guy with a flag lapel pin and a large collection of firearms.