
DOJ Preparing Corruption Charges Against Sen. Bob Menendez, Chuck C. Johnson Starts Boasting

Blind Frog Belly White3/06/2015 5:00:30 pm PST

re: #192 freetoken

Libertarianism is about being young and naive.

I used to work with a Randian so serious he went to conventions and shit. (Apparently, despite having pretty much exactly the same philosophy, Objectivists HATE Libertarians.) He extolled the virtues of Objectivism, with the usual horseshit.

When I asked him what he thought would happen when all regulations were removed, he told me that the economy would keep expanding without recessions forever. when I pointed to all the recessions and depressions in the Laissez Faire 19th Century, he fell back on the old ‘Never Been Tried’ line.

Oddly enough, for someone who so firmly believed in something he couldn’t prove, he was a pretty good Scientist.