
San Bernardino Shooting Update: FBI Investigating Possible Terrorism Link

TedStriker12/03/2015 9:23:23 pm PST

re: #176 Dark_Falcon

Yeah, one such person is me. That front page distorts the definition of “terrorist” beyond all meaning.

Robert Dear and Dylan Roof are terrorists, as they had a clear political motive and objective in their rampages.

Adam Lanza had no notable political views that I am aware of and committed his crimes out of entirely personal motives. He had no objectives beyond killing and dying, which does not accord with a terrorist attacking to force political or social changes.

I am not aware of James Holmes having any political or social motives either, though I might be wrong. But unless those motives are shown then he goes alongside Lanza as not a terrorist but still a mass murderer.

To call Wayne LaPierre a terrorist is a monumental distortion and in my opinion can only be considered an attempt to silence the NRA. Saying that if you head an organization that opposes gun control you are a terrorist is categorize someone’s policy positions, which in LaPierre’s case do not include condoning unlawful violence, as terrorist activity. It an attempt to categorize opposition to the views of the Daily News on the matter of firearms policy as being outside the pale of decency and as violent in and of themselves.

By publishing that page, I consider the NYDN to have declared war on myself, my father, much of my extended family, and several of my friends. It has shown itself unworthy of any use save the wrapping of fish and the lining bird cages and cat litter boxes.

You’re in Chicago, why the fuck do you even care what the New York Daily News says about St. LaPierre?