
Cory Wong: "Bluebird" (Feat. Chris Thile)

Dr Lizardo8/15/2021 12:47:08 am PDT

Meanwhile, in San Diego….

A controversial anti-vaccine thread in an online forum is causing concern because it involves members of the San Diego Police Department.

The post calls on hundreds of officers “willing to risk it all” to fight city and state pandemic-related rules.

In the post, a police sergeant allegedly claims he and a growing number of officers have vowed to “never take the vaccine, be tested or wear masks — unless by choice.”

A local activist named Tasha Williamson posted screenshots of the thread on Facebook. It’s said to have come from a forum on the San Diego Police Officers Association website. In the post, the sergeant claims he and a growing number of officers are vowing to “Never take the vaccine, be tested or wear masks - unless by choice. Titled “(Vaccine Mandate) Will You Stand? 1776 again!!!…,” the post by the officer claims he and another “God fearing patriot” within the department are building up a coalition of officers who will “stand up for our God given freedoms and are willing to risk it all.” (Note: autoplay video embedded at link)