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Joe Bacon ✅1/25/2024 2:20:04 pm PST

re: #190 aatharuv

I’m conflicted about this.

I don’t want Porter-Schiff to suck the oxygen from all the downballot House Rep races. I’m already bombarded with text messages, and emails from both of them.

I don’t want a likely blowout Schiff-Garvey, to reduce people coming into the polls.

(Personally, I’ll be very happy with any of three Dems in the race.)

Ticks me off that there are three Democrats on the ballot that could split the vote and let Mr. I Can’t Keep My Twinkee In My Pants squeak thru.

Remember that you got to vote TWICE in the Senate Election—first to complete Feinstein’s term and then second for the six-year term.

Personally I lean to Katie Porter but whichever Democrat gets in has my vote no matter what!