
Huckabee on Hannity: The Stimulus Bill Persecutes Christians

kynna2/13/2009 6:47:56 pm PST

re: #98 Dark_Falcon

Sal’s not a bigot. I agree that Sarah Palin is not in the same boat as those other two: She respects the 1st Amendment and does not seek to impose creationism in the schools. That said, please be careful with the bigot card, it was wrongly played here.

This thread is about Huckabee being an out-and-out looney who wants to change the constitution and is being pushed as one of the faces of the Republican party. Jindal is brought up — rightfully — as a match. Palin gets brought up as a third when she’s not at all. What makes her a third? It certainly appears to be her religious beliefs.

And enough people have railed about her here, pairing her with Jindal, even though she has a record as a libertarian simply because of her beliefs (yes I had back and forth with one who said she would definitely push her views through law because she’s a ‘socon’ which also is not borne out on record). Assuming that she’s going to do all the things those two are doing simply because socons like her. It’s not evident in her record so where does this opinion come from?

When/if she does it, I’ll kick her. Until then I’ve got to wonder where the assumptions are coming from.