
Major Earthquake in Indian Ocean - Update: 6.4 Quake in Japan Too

Mostly sane, most of the time.8/10/2009 2:12:18 pm PDT

re: #164 DaddyG

Despite my jokes (gallows humor) I’m quite worried that these quakes could result in a tsunami. #1 son was moved to a mission area in a rural area of the Philippines and has described what the locals live like. That part of the world is not a place I’d like to be stuck after a disaster.

On a positive note he used some of his scouting and Eagle project skills to build a widow a new door for her abode using bamboo.

Oh, well, if we are going to be responsible and all that…

NOW is a good time to get together a 72 hour kit for you and your family. There are no disasters at hand, and prices are normal.

Think about what your individual area might get hit with, what your family’s needs might be, and so on. Portability is a necessity. Our kits are in backpacks on the wall of the garage.