
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/20/2009 7:27:25 pm PDT

re: #197 Big Steve

I do not accept any blog’s opinion of AGW at face value…not Watts…not Sinclair. However for both of them I actually read the papers or examine the links that they show and make up my own mind. I have not seen one site that has not had retractions and that includes Watts. You must know since you are an educated person, that one can be wrong, even wrong often, but still occasionally be right. That is why I value Watt’s site. Not because I swallow everything whole he is peddling but because he does make me think.

Fine, and when you are into the actual papers we can talk about what the state of the science is. In the mean time, you would do well to actually educate yourself on the background science.

It is not that Watts is sometimes wrong. He is pretty much always wrong. The man is a paid shill. The second someone goes and links to him is the second you see he is a shill too.