
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/29/2009 8:03:13 am PST

re: #193 sattv4u2

Maybe it doesn’t mean anything because we have a gigantic overabundance of data on the subject?

Again: There is a clear, clear attempt by anti-AGW groups to muddy the waters. Charles has done a very good job of exposing it. They are currently making huge amounts of noise in an attempt to sway public opinion. They are engaged in propaganda.

Meanwhile, unless you believe the 97% of climatologists throughout the world, operating under different governments, using huge numbers of different data sets produced by large numbers of different sources, unless you believe all those climatologists are incompetent, fraudulent, or conspiratorial, there would seem to be a strong, compelling case for defending scientists against political attack.