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Cato the Elder5/03/2010 5:44:06 pm PDT

re: #169 Lidane

OT, but can I bitch about my governor for a moment?

Speaking At Trade Association Funded By BP, Gov. Perry Claims Rig Disaster Is An ‘Act Of God’

Yes, because God cut corners, flouted existing regulations, and didn’t install a remote-controlled shut off switch. It’s all his fault and BP is entirely blameless. Really.

I’m well aware how much the oil industry means here in Texas, but goddamn that’s some fancy footwork. I honestly can’t believe the gall of spinning an industrial accident into a divine act. That’s just insane to me.

Umm…before your knickers get twisted beyond repair, know that “Act of God” is a legal, not a theological term.

I haven’t heard yet about cut corners, flouted regulations, and missing switches. Got links for that?

An Act of God for, say, insurance purposes would be if a big wind blows a tree on top of my car, or a lightning bolt strikes my barn and sets it afire, or if a hurricane huffs my whole seekrit compound into Lake Michigan. Depending on how the policy is written, I may or may not be covered.

An Act of God can also be an explosion, a fire, a flood, a tornado or a plague.

This does not mean BP is not responsible for the cleanup.