
US Warns Hundreds of People Named in Wikileaks Cables

Killgore Trout1/07/2011 9:32:17 am PST

Outrageous Outrage was bogus….
Does Anyone Believe New York Post’s “Exclusive” About A Union Plowing Slowdown?

It’s been a week since Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post splashed its “exclusive” about how “selfish” union members of New York City’s Dept. of Sanitation purposefully didn’t clear local streets in the wake of the recent blizzard in an effort to embarrass the city’s (formerly Republican) mayor, Michael Bloomberg. Why? Because he cut the department’s resources.

The Post’s “exclusive” was built around anonymous sources. The key sources were a handful of nameless union workers who supposedly spilled the beans of the slowdown plan to a local Republican city councilman, Dan Halloran. It appeared the Post did not actually interview those sources, but rather interviewed Halloran, who relayed what the nameless sources supposedly told him. (Yes, that’s the definition of flimsy sourcing.) The claims of a work slowdown were quickly met with universal denials from city and union officials.