
Tom Waits on the Fallon Show: Raised Right Men

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/12/2012 3:19:02 am PDT

For example, yesterday we learned:

U.S. billionaire revealed as buyer of ‘The Scream’

U.S. billionaire Leon Black is the mystery buyer who paid a record $120 million for Edvard Munch’s masterpiece The Scream at Sotheby’s in May, the most-expensive work of art ever sold at auction, TheWall Street Journal reported yesterday.


Leon Black made his money selling junk bonds, raiding companies, etc. A true modern “capitalist”.

Now, he’s a known art lover and possibly in his will he’ll donate his vast art fortune to a museum, all well and good. But to think that somehow the very rich in this country can’t have their taxes raised because it would destroy the the American economy falls flat when such examples of obsession (and yes, paying $120 million for a single painting qualifies as an obsession) clearly show that the disposable income available to the very rich is vast.