
Jon Stewart Explores the Decade-Long Strategy of Karl Rove

EPR-radar10/23/2013 5:50:25 pm PDT

Here’s something you don’t see every day. A raving loon with an excellent command of the language. From NRO comments:

Authentic conservatism enjoys not only a profound consistency in each of its constituent parts (providing for, when full-orbed, an ability to address a myriad of issues in a holistic, intellectually cogent, coherent and nuanced manner … complete with consistently predictable outcomes) but it also contributes to an ethos grounded in transcendent values.

The intellectual integrity and vigor of authentic conservatism quite
naturally motivates those who have drunk deeply from its well …
demanding urgency and action when under threat … and vigilance when restored.

While Establishment Republicans are somewhat versed (though genuine conservatives recognize pretenders pretty easily) in conservative concepts and language they lack not merely conviction (and the courage which knowledge can yield) but, like a lexicon, they may offer the textbook definition of conservative ideas … yet have assimilated that knowledge in no meaningful fashion.

Instead, they offer a stream of words disconnected from any meaningful comprehension or conviction. Just a series of conservative noises offered just in time for each election cycle.

Conservatives have not become more partisan … as some would
suggest, dismissive of the angst and action of Conservatives of late. It’s simply that the arc … the historical trajectory of progressivism/modern liberalism/marxism leads, inexorably, to tyranny (the abatement of liberty).

Having now reached that moment when its tendencies toward despotism are now undeniable, the Left is laboring in a feverish, grasping urgency to finalize its agenda. Only conservatives stand in their way.

Conversely, Republicans can only offer politcal strategies (failed)
divorced from any meaningful narrative or philosophy. They betray a
frightening tendency toward both self-deception and hypocrisy coupled
with an increasingly visceral hatred of any voice to their right.

At best they are reactionaries so captured by the moment, so void of
any meaningful or persuasive governing vision, so possessed of
shortsighted and selfish politcal ambitions that they remain forever
unable to see the forest for the trees.

At worst, they are just another member-in-good-standing in today’s
cynical, duplicitous, self absorbed, permanent political class.

The disdain Establish Republicans reveal for conservatives who have
the temerity to stand and offer a full throated defense of a full-orbed
conservative ideology and their willingness to assign the label
“conservative” to those who’ve offered only the feeblest defense of
conservative values … ready to jettison them the very moment any hint
of disapproval is registered among liberal elites, suggests to me that
there’s more dishonesty afoot than any of us might wish to acknowledge.