
Video: Rachel Maddow Digs Deeper Into the Christie Scandal Timeline

ObserverArt1/10/2014 8:01:13 am PST

re: #177 Dr. Matt

I agree. The 2-day presser was well-played. On the surface it showed that he is willing to address this and was not trying to hide anything. But, this is only the surface; we’ll see if new information rises up implicating him directly in the scandal.

Yeah, but he is a lawyer good enough to become a US Attorney. Coming off as being earnest in not trying to hide anything is sort of part of the job of a good lawyer. You have to look the part, sound the part and act the part to convince people in your stance on a law and a judgement. I think Christie has the moxie, the steel balls and the arrogance to think he can pull the act off. I give him credit, he is good. He could get a nun to buy in. But, they don’t make nuns likes they used too either.

But as said earlier…not buying…not buying he has nothing to hide. He has a lot to hide. His career is riding on pulling it off. We shall see. Soon I think.