
Following the Passage of Bobby Jindal's Stealth Creationism Law, Louisiana Leads the Way Into the New Dark Age

Justanotherhuman6/03/2015 5:45:22 am PDT

My grandson told me this morning not to put too much hope into his generation (he’s 24). He said considering those he knows, have worked with and have met, “This country is fucked.” I’m not quite as pessimistic, but he is says the stupid is really deep.

I really didn’t want to hear that kind of bad news this morning, but he’s turning out to be a thinker, and a good dad, also, although he says he sometimes “over-thinks” things. He picked the Munchkin up from pre-K yesterday and one of the teachers said some of the boys had been slapping the girls on their bottoms. So he gave him another lesson in keeping his hands to himself and not touching anyone w/o permission, as well as instructing him to apologize to his teacher for his behavior. The Munchkin has actually known that rule for some time, but “herd behavior” must have kicked in.