
Oklahoma Man Arrested for 'Tea Party' Twitter Threats

Shug4/24/2009 3:08:27 pm PDT

Don’t you just love these troofer types

17Citizen Quasar %P% 30 Dec, 2006 at 19:21 %P%

People will think I’m NUTS but, here goes:

Saddam Hussein was a CIA asset since about 1954. One reason that Iraq was invaded was because he was selling oil to pay off his loans from the international banksters. Now, NO oil is flowing. The war is going in perfect accordance with the plans of the New World Order. The plan is to throw the region into perpetual turmoil.

Saddam’s execution was NOT public. We are to take the word of only 20 witnesses. Videos are easy to fake. Yet we do not even have the benefit of a video of his execution.