
Terrorist vs. Terrorist in Gaza

zombie8/15/2009 12:16:50 pm PDT

re: #193 Occasional Reader

Not trying to pick a fight here, but: Why not?

You hear someone smashing in your front door with an axe, screaming Allah Akbar (or not); why would you not want the means to protect yourself and your loved ones?

Because that’s not how it would happen — no one is going to chop down my front door with an axe. It will either happen in public, or in my sleep, or in some other way in which a gun would not help me.

Look, there’s a 99% chance this is never going to happen — they’ll never find out where I live. And so in that case there is a 99% chance that I wouldn’t even need the gun. But I don’t want a gun in my home, period, especially if it’s there just for a 1% chance of something occurring.

Secondly, even in that 1% chance scenario, it’s extremely likely that the gun will be useless, because we will not be a in a gun-battle scenario.

The odds of the gun serving any real function other than making me “feel safe” are miniscule; the odds of the gun’s existence making me feel uncomfortable and nervous is very large. I opt not to have one.

If other people want to have guns - fine by me. I support the second amendment. I’m just not one of those people.