
Freak-Out of the Day

Sharmuta9/02/2009 12:49:56 pm PDT

re: #167 Rexatosis

As someone who has a graduate degree in Ed., has taught H.S., and teaches College, anyone who thinks Pres. Obama’s speech to the students will not be used by pro-Obama teachers to promote the President’s agenda is naive. The whole “letter” to help the President will be used as part of that. Down-ding if you want but I’m in the ed. business.

The thing is- the biggest influences on a kid are Mom and Dad. Others may make a difference- role models, etc. but kids from conservative houses are not going to return from school after hearing this and be mindless drones. It’s as if Mom and Dad are incompetent at raising their children to think one speech could be so damaging.